An old family recipe, circa1896
This is the real thing. And yes, we call it gravy not sauce.

2-cans of large peeled tomatoes
1-can of tomato paste
1lb-eye round
1-small slab of beef ribs (10) cracked and split
6-sweet Italian sausages
1-handful of Fresh basil
1-tsp Fresh oregano
1-tsp Salt
1-tsp Pepper
2-Tablespoons of sugar
1-Tablespoon of fresh Romano cheese
1-small onion (cut into medium thin rings and then cut the rings in half)
3-cloves of fresh garlic (chopped, but not too fine)
First: Brown the eye round in a large pot with garlic and onions, remove the eye round and put it on the side. Next brown the ribs. Remove the ribs, cut off and discard the fat and put the ribs on the side. DON’T LET THE GARLIC AND ONIONS BURN OR THEY WILL MAKE FOR A BITTER TASTE!
Second: Squeeze the tomatoes and place them in the pot with the liquid left over from browning the meats. Add the tomato paste, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, sugar and cheese. Bring it all to a boil and then lower the heat to simmer. Stir frequently so that nothing sticks.
Third: Brown the sausages in a frying pan and put them on the side. When they cool a little, cut them into thirds.
Fourth: Add the eye round, ribs and sausage and let the whole thing simmer for about 2 hours stirring every now and then.
You will need a very large pot and frying pan for this. The whole thing should take about 3 hours. If you take your time and carefully follow the recipe, you won’t be disappointed. Don’t cut corners on the ingredients; use the best ingredients you can find.
Serve with love and pride!
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