In case you never met them, let me introduce you to Katie and Teddi. They are the sun and the moon with distinct personalities and boundless spirits.

Katie is almost 14 years old, a pure bred Bichon Frise and has been with us since she was an 8 week old puppy.

Teddi is a mixed breed, probably a Maltese and a Poodle. Teddi has been with us since September 2012, He is 8 years old.
Katie is determined. If she were a salesperson she would bug you until the close. She never quits and rarely complains. Her strength is amazing given her 20 lbs.
Teddi is a gentle soul who has had many homes. He was taken from a shelter, frightened and apparently abused. When his adopted owner could no longer care for him he ended up with my mother who nursed him back to health and happiness. He then came home with us. He visited with my mother until the very end .
At first, Katie didn’t take too kindly to Teddi. But, they are now inseparable and do everything together. They have become fixtures in our little village development.
There are some lessons to be learned from our pets:
- Don’t be too quick to judge but, still trust your instincts
- Love and kindness can heal just about anything
- Good food leads to good health
- Never give up
- Play as much as you can
- You get as much love as you give
- And remember, it’s not how cute your pets are that counts but, how happy they make you
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