Well, September has finally arrived and soon things will be cooling down here in Metro Phoenix. This has been a blazing hot three months with unusually high humidity. For whatever reason, the summers seem to be getting hotter.
Hope you all had a great summer wherever you live!

For those of you who never met our two dogs, I will be introducing them in a brief article called Puppy Love. A little bit about them and some things we learned from them.
You can also find a nice quick and delicious recipe for Caprese Salad that looks pretty and can stand alone as a main course.
And as always there are a few Jokes & Stories from readers and from around the web. Feel free to contribute by email at:
In This Month’s Issue
Happy Labor Day!
Visit us at: www.Etsy.com
Editors note
On Friday, September 11th, please take a moment to remember all those who were lost on September 11th 2001.