Well, THIS caught my eye. I was hoping that by this time, December 2021, I would be able to write an article about “Whew, that was close! Now we can get back to normal.” If only. . .
This last almost-two years has been unbelievable – impossible to describe easily or painlessly. From one level of stress to the next, smothered in conflict, heartbreak, and sadness, and just plain denial when it’s gotten to be too much, we’re in danger of sagging. We never give up, but we may sag.
The uncomfortable reality is that it’s not over yet. We still must take control of how we internalize all of this negativity, find ways to lift the heaviness, and, depending on our circumstances, keep moving on to the best of our abilities. That’s the key; we must keep moving.
So when I came across the following article from the Cleveland Clinic dated September 13, 2021, I thought that the advice presented was extremely helpful. I will summarize some of the main points in the article, but I suggest that reading the entire article would be even more helpful.
The article presents 10 ways to manage stress as the pandemic lingers:
- Take (some) control
- Be in the present
- Stop comparing
- Keep moving forward
- Take a break from decisions (my favorite)
- Find silver linings
- Connect
- Find new ways to de-stress
- Work through your feelings
- Get help if you need it
I hope these topics have piqued your interest to read the full article on the Cleveland Clinic site. Think of it this way, if nothing else, reading through the material will keep your mind busy for awhile. It feels validating, at least, to know we’re not alone in this discomfort. Personally, the 2 points I find the most helpful are to Connect and Keep Moving Forward.
Together we will make it through. Here’s to a new year with new beginnings.
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